National Institute for Health and Care Research

What research are we doing?

The WISDOM Research Network partners with a range of different types of mental health research activities and shares information about these activities with member schools, giving them the opportunity to get involved.

Research studies

This will include a range of types of studies, e.g. surveys, trials, qualitative research, intervention development research.

Practice evaluation

A systematic assessment or evaluation of an intervention or treatment.

Patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) projects

Research done with or by patients and the public, not to, about, or for them. It is about working collaboratively with patients and the public and sharing decision-making.

Our Research

We hope to post our first research activities here shortly, so please check back again soon.

Feel free to contact us directly if you have any questions or are particularly interested in taking part in specific areas of research. Email the WISDOM Research Network team at the following address:

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